Happy September, y’all!
It’s 1:45 a.m. in our little corner of the desert and a still an unpleasant 94 degrees out on the patio. With days this week hovering between 106 and 113 degrees, we are dreaming of fall and thinking about some of the places we would like to go when it when it’s time once again to leap. I have been perusing the maps and considering timing and direction. As much as we would like to make a cross-country journey, the idea of smaller more local leaps seems to be winning, at least as we move into fall and winter. I would really love to show Dan “my Nevada” which is a minor hippity-hop from home. Right now, I cannot imagine trying to pack that van in this heat to go anywhere. Cooler temps are bound to cause itchier feet, but there is a time and season for everything, dang it. The desert is going to have to suffer the Cordrays for a bit longer, it seems.
This guy isn’t so sure. He’s glancing over at the van and noticing Grandmomma’s rocker on the roof of the van and thinking about how much gear we might be packing. He is also wondering if the donkey can ride in the cargo trailer. We offered him half of the jump seat. He balked, we bolted, and life went on. Still, I bet he knows where the nuggets are hidden. He’s hanging out in downtown Wickenburg if you want to ask him.
We will both admit that we have grown rather soft here in our air-conditioned Pepsi can. Being able to move about the (fixed) cabin in the wee hours is such a nice feature. Luckily, we are both up at the moment so it’s easy-peasy, but brewing coffee and tapping away on my computer would have been a bit more difficult in the van had Dan still been asleep. Being able to take a shower at will is another vandweller’s dream, a luxury that is not a given in the type of road life we ascribe to. Making big creative messes here at Casa de Cordray and being able to let them sprawl out hither and yon is always such a treat. Soon, I will finish my post about my artsy endeavors this summer. In the meantime, enjoy a little chuckle on us!
The three pics above are West Coast adventures. Next time we head to a pirate convention we will be sure to check the dress code. Do pirates wear kilts and tie-dye?
Of course, I am bringing y’all something to eat! Pumpkin pie, anyone?
Dan’s working on some special seasonings, if Billy Bob goat will share.
Big boys for both Cordrays!
Our first New Year’s Eve was spent on the road, ogling oversized citrus fruits and making sure we upheld our Southern traditions. A 12-volt crock pot is a mighty fine thing. I remember two whining dogs wondering what was cooking in the sink as we drove along. I can assure you that we all felt pretty dang lucky that year!
Sometimes you know something is going to happen well before it does. This was one of those times. I don’t bother to reel him in. Then what would I have to laugh at?
I will leave you with a mystery. This was a pretty cool Sasquatch shirt that made its way into Dan’s duffel bag, somewhere out there. It went a few rounds at the laundromat but only appeared in this one shot. Do you think Sasquatch stole it back when we weren’t watching?
With a yawn and a giggle, I am off like a tattered bathrobe.
Sweet dreams,
Brenda Cordray
“The Desert Rose”
It seems to be hot wherever you go this summer!