
Hummingbird's Breakfast

At Our Backyard Cafe

Life in the Sonoran Desert involves thinking like a lizard and spending the hottest hours indoors. The cool, quiet wee hours outside are the sweet spot as the temperatures climb.

Sitting on the patio in my comfy chair in the darkness this morning, meditating, listening to the birds sing themselves awake is one of the gifts of having this little plan B bungalow. With eyes closed, I can imagine that we are living in a jungle instead of the desert.

There are bird calls that I have never heard, and could not begin to identify. I expect a monkey to swoop down out of the treetops at any moment. It's easy to lose track of where and when I am, which is handy when meditating.

The grackles and cactus wrens cackle and trill, competing with doves of all varieties, while the crows show them all who is the loudest. I wait for the hummingbird's chirpy whistle-y chatter to open my eyes, noting that the sun is almost up and all traces of night have faded.

The feeder is freshly filled, so there will be no lecture from the winged tribe this morning. Instead, I make little kissy noises that entice Miss Liberty out of her two-t-shirt, warm pot-pie nest on the couch.

She watched as I made this video for you instead of barking like she usually does when I am chatting with the birdies. We call her ‘Berty, afterall, so she's just coming when called.

Anyway, enough chattering. Enjoy a minute and a half of backyard bliss, courtesy of Camp Cordray.

Ease into your day, and make it a good one.


Brenda Cordray

“The Desert Rose”

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