The Cordrays Postpone Anniversary Celebrations and Make (another) Momentous Decision
It's Not What You Think, or Maybe It Is
On Cinco de Mayo 2024, Dan and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary, exercising the “for better or worse” section of our vows, specifically the “worse” clause. The week before had me hatching plans. I ordered a cute little girly looking summer dress online and ballerina flats, something I never do. I made reservations for Sunday brunch at Paulette’s Restaurant in Harbor Town, a snazzy little eatery featuring French and Hungarian dishes and local Mid-South favorites. A romantic second-story view of the Mississippi River would be included, plus time to lounge and enjoy each other’s company on a lazy, albeit possibly rainy Sunday morning. My first idea had been a riverboat cruise but the weather in Memphis is often swampy, waiting to be swampy, or full-on puddled up and raining sideways. The boat goes out anyway. I could just see that flowery dress caught in a gust, sopping wet and clinging to my pale winter legs. I decided against that plan. A nice brunch feast, maybe a walk along the river if the weatherman lied, just he and I. I miss him. It’s hard to let someone else have 40 plus hours of MY time every week with my beloved husband. I wanted to surprise him and make a little fuss about us.
By Thursday morning, everything was patted down. I was feeling accomplished. I was also experiencing a stopped up head and slight chest congestion. Everything is blooming here so I chalked it up to allergies. I munched on some osha root, took a drop of oregano oil, sipped some mullein tea with local honey and fresh lemon, and took my magical Kyolic garlic immune support capsules. I napped like a naughty preschooler, tossing, turning, and resisting, knowing rest was sorely needed but feeling frustrated at having to slow down. By the time Dan got home from work, I was inwardly whiny but wearing my game face, resolved to get better quickly. I still had hope. Friday and Saturday were one big coughing, snot-laden fiasco for me. There would be no Saturday outings this weekend, no grocery shopping or errands. Eventually I conceded defeat and canceled our brunch reservations. There would be no fancy meal out this weekend, but there would be plenty of real love, shared memories, and plans made for the future.
His eyes twinkling with romance tinged with concern, Dan tasked himself with the little things that he knew I would want and need. Off to Cordelia’s Market to get fresh chicken for heal-me-now homemade chicken soup with lots of fresh garlic and thyme. He knows my routine. The soup comes first. Little kindnesses like my very own teeny little Muddy’s Bakery coconut cream pie, the best Fisherman’s Friend cough drops, and the Zarbee’s herbal cough syrup that really helps were in the bag as well. He hovered around me, making offers of assistance and cuddling up the little dog when the storms rattled the windows and the shakey-shakes overtook her. The weatherman did not lie. He was there for me in the way he has always been, considerate, intuitive, resourceful, ready and willing to do any and everything to help. I was miserable and disappointed, but full of admiration my man Dan. He’s the real deal, folks. Here, there, or anywhere.
I slept through most of the weekend, and the five days since have been periodically icky for me as well. I am getting there, though. My cough is mostly gone but the sinus swampiness persists, draining endlessly and making me sound like Donald Duck with a sinus infection. Still, I am grateful that the sludge is moving. I am back to nesting due to frequent bursts of energy, potting up my herbs and flowers into larger, sturdier pots because of the BIG NEWS we were given two days ago. As mentioned in my previous post, our immediate road plans have changed. This is for you, Shawna, pronto as possible.
Apparently, Mr. Cordray is as cherished at work as he is at home. Recently, a counter offer came in to whisk us away to Toyota’s electric car battery factory in North Carolina. Dan’s current employer said no way, man, YOU are not going ANYWHERE. They are quite pleased with his abilities and consider his vast knowledge of the ins and outs of vehicle manufacturing invaluable at their facility. On Wednesday, they made the offer to extend Dan’s 6 month contract “at least” another 6 months past the current end date, and he (we) agreed.
When the beginning of February rolls around, we will have been in Memphis an entire year, the Great Spirit willing. Of course we are missing road life and freedom in general, but we love that we have time to look for our next chariot in a leisurely fashion, to reboot and revise our routes, and to have friends and family come to see US instead of the other way around. Calls to kids, step kids, foster kids, grand kids, has many planning short visits to come see good ol’ Grandmomma and Granddad Cordray while they are actually sitting still for a while. Our hearts are full, although not a single one has actually crossed our thresh hold yet. I am busy gathering up plastic lizards and marbles and little race car tracks and making plans for old fashioned fun, the kind you find at the home of the grandparents. I am releasing that feeling of having to cram all of the next round of packing, stacking, and planning for eventual road life into the next three months, and officially truly slowing my navigator role (for a while).
For now, I will be concierge and tour guide for those coming to visit, and as always, backup support for the man of my dreams while he enjoys his foray back into the thinky-type job realm for a bit longer. I will continue to dabble in solo adventures while he spins the robots at work and get to know Memphis for all of us, so we can go back to the best parts on the weekends or when company is in town. I (and we) have been out and about here and there, and I have those stories (mostly) written, so there are those to look forward to. Yep, I am getting there.
We will leap-frog over Mother’s Day weekend and avoid the crowds, but you can bet that we will reschedule that anniversary celebration, with the added bonus of celebrating where our feet will be planted until early February 2025. We are dang proud of what we have already accomplished by accepting this challenge and being willing to customize it to become OUR adventure, leading to many more adventures somewhere down the road.
So that’s the news, folks. Memphis has snatched us up and planted us here and we plan to savor the experience. Happy Mother’s Day to those who celebrate, and happy weekend to all of us. Oh, and all of these pics are of the way-back variety. More recent ones coming soonly, from Memphis with love.
Woooooo hooooo and yippeeeee!!
Brenda Cordray
The Desert Rose
Well dang! I knew there wouldn't be cacti involved 😥.
Firstly, glad you're on the mend. Secondly, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Thirdly, damn Memphis!!!
Just kidding, mostly, about Memphis. Great opportunity and you seem A Okay with it so celebrate the Six soon, enjoy family and friends, and give Memphis hell!!! Love and miss you!