You know I stand at the ready to do the "whatever it takes" to carry you through. Even when it goes against my "I can fix this", and the best I can do is simply to just be there.

I love you and will continue extinguishing flares any way I can.

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You do so much for me, for us, Dan. A huge part of what makes these scrapes livable is having my helpmate there, holding up both of our ends until I can be part of the action once again. It is of the greatest comfort to me to be loved and cared for in the ways you provide. It's big, big medicine. 💗 I am infinitely healed by your love and attention.

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While my health/medical issues are major, they are still lightweight in comparison to yours, Brenda. But, three years after being diagnosed and being told to get my affairs in order in quick fashion, I'm miraculously still here and may be around for some time, yet. But, like you, I'll never return to the person I was prior to three years ago. And, like you, I have those "flat days” and the up days. Where I am right now may be my "new normal” for the rest of my days, however many there may be in my future. I had a two + hour Zoom conversation last week with a Miss America finalist from the late '60s. She was diagnosed with terminal stage lung cancer 13 years ago. She was an avid biking enthusiast. They removed one of her lungs entirely, saved her life, but told her she'd never be able to bike again. It took a few years to recover, but she has since biked all over Europe and the U.S... on one lung. She is an inspiration and encouragement to me. And, so are YOU. But, not only to me, but to so many others, too. I hope I can follow in yours and Kathy's footsteps and inspire and encourage others, too. That is a mission we share in life. Thank you for your openness and fortitude. ♥️

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Ed, that is a beautiful story. She is surely an amazing woman to be able to both overcome and go beyond. You know in your heart that YOU have been through the fight of YOUR life, and there is no "who has it worse" in my eyes. We all live through things that we can't imagine seeing the other side of, but you have done that, my friend. YOU inspire ME! I am so proud of what you have overcome. I appreciate your encouragement and your kind words, and I also appreciate having learned a lot through conversations with you. 💗

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